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Do-it-Yourself SEO

How are you doing on your Google rankings? Are you spending a lot of money in AdWords and pay-per-click (PPC)? Do you wish you could get better SEO results and reduce your monthly spend on online advertising? Business has awoken to the fact that having an online presence is not enough. Your website needs to be showing up in the search results for your keywords and location. Keep reading for ideas on how you can influence your organic SEO.

My best piece of advice for anyone wanting to improve their influence with the search engines is to start blogging. Notice I didn’t say, “Start a blog”. It’s important to actively post new content on a regular basis. The more often you add to your blog, the better your SEO results. Once you’ve got a regular publishing schedule, take Joe Pulizzi’s excellent advice on how to promote it, 35 Ways to Market Your Blog

Read more on this tip:

News Items
Adding a “news” feature to your home page is a great way to keep your content fresh without spending a lot of time and effort. More than anything, Google LOVES fresh content. I wrote a “BRIEF” post on this titled, BRIEF: A News-Worthy Trick for SEO.

RSS Feeds
Whatever you do, make sure your blog has an RSS feed. The avenues available for distributing your blog using a feed are seemingly endless. Read TopRank’s RSS Blog Directories and start registering your feed. Don’t forget to put an RSS feed on your news items, as well.

Read more on this tip:

Leave Comments
Search engines love finding links to your website in other places. The absolute easiest way to get them is by leaving comments on other blogs. Plan on leaving at least one comment a day. It’s a great discipline to get into because it also puts you in the habit of reading every day. I discussed this one simple technique in more detail at, BRIEF: Spin Your SEO Web.

The Takeaway
Investing a little time in your website will start to show results in your SEO rankings. Read this fantastic article at Search Engine Journal, 10 Ways All Employees Can Contribute to Link Building for a comprehensive look at how your entire organisation can get involved. Within a few months, you may find you’re getting a lot more traffic and decreasing your spending on SEO advertising and services.

What do you do to help your SEO?
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*image courtesy of jscreationzs at