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Blog Logistics: A Key Insight for Your Content Marketing Strategy

Where does your blog live? I’ve been speaking a lot lately about content marketing and the importance of blogging. A company blog is one of the most effective tools in your content marketing strategy. It classifies as both content and social media. It has more direct impact on your organic SEO than almost anything else.

Location, Location, Location

I’m frequently asked, “Where should I put my blog”? Initially I was surprised by the question. As blogging becomes a strategic tool, more and more people are entering the blogosphere. With many popular blogging solutions available, people want to know what software to use. I always answer the question the same way, On your website.

It’s about SEO
Blogging helps you establish your authority and expertise. Every blog post should contain valuable information relating to your products and services resulting in keyword-rich content. If you host your blog on an independent URL, you’re missing a huge opportunity to improve the traffic to your website. The more people visiting your blog, the higher the search engines will rank your site.

The Takeaway
Location trumps software when it comes to blogging. Make sure your blog resides on your website. Think of your blog as a table and your content as the food. You want people eating in your company dining room and not at the food court down the road. Why? Because once they’re done, they may want to graze some more and you want your content to be the next stop. If your blog is hosted somewhere else, chances are most readers won’t take the time to go find you.

Where does your blog live?

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