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My friend and fellow copywriter, Michele Linn, wrote an excellent article for the Savvy B2B Marketing blog called 5 Reasons to Include FAQs in Your Content Marketing Strategy. I wish I’d written it myself.

Throw Away Page?
The FAQ is one of the most powerful pages you can have on your website. Many people overlook it or feel like it’s wasted information. One client told me FAQs were the same for every website, so there was no point including them. I suppose that’s true if your content really contains FAQs. But why not make the page do some heavy lifting for you?

Competitive Advantage
A well-written list of FAQs can knock your competition on the head. Imagine you’re educating your prospective customers. Aaron Sice from Aaron Sice Residential and Commercial embraced this idea and positioned his drafting services on his FAQ page. Not only did he differentiate his company from other drafting services, he also established a valid reason to hire a draftsman independent of builders and developers.

The Take-Away
Craft a list of 10-12 questions showing the strengths of your company and include it on your website. The FAQ page is a terrific place to address competitive advantage. No website should be without one.