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Entering the Land of Blog

Along with the launch of my new website, I'm also launching my first blog. I've been dismissive of blogging in the past. I've been puzzled why anyone (and everyone, it seems) wants to express their opinion so openly. Why are so many people interested in reading the musings of total strangers? I'll save you a rant about the poor quality of writing flourishing on the web. I'm not an English teacher and I'll leave that campaign to the people who earn their livings trying to impress the importance of good grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Part of the reason I've been negative about "the land of blog" is because I don't want to end up buried in that big pile of internet chaff. As a freelance writer, I've had the luxury of working with editors who let me know explicitly if my content is good. If it is, I get published and paid. If it doesn't hit the mark, I'm lucky to get a rejection to my query. It's a process that requires a thick skin but also provides the writer with an air of confidence about the relevance of their work.

As I build a commercial practice, it's become apparent that I have to let go of the editorial security-blanket and forge ahead on my own. The best way to convince people that you can write is to show them samples of your writing. There's no easier way to do that than to point them to your blog. I also get to flex my entrepreneurial muscle by developing stories on things I think are important in the current marketplace and writing it from my own angle. With over 15 years of practical IT experience and five years of direct sales, I have a few opinions about how business should be conducted. I've had the advantage of working on six continents and being a resident on five of them, which influences how I view the business world.

More than anything, I'm interested in hearing about the challenges faced by small and medium businesses. My focus will involve those areas where writing can help solve difficulties and create opportunity in these enterprises. Lately, I've delved into SEO, Social Media Marketing and Corporate Re-branding. They're all broad topics that could keep me blogging for many years to come.

As I close my first blog post, I thank anyone who has stayed with me this long. My pledge is to provide relevant content to help you think about your business differently. I'll do my best to track trends in the B2B marketing world and provide worthwhile information provided in a clear, concise manner. If I can achieve this simple goal, I'll feel a little better about joining the blogging fray.