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What is Your Content Mission Strategy?

Last week Joe Pulizzi laid down a challenge at his Junta42 blog to discover the content mission strategy for your customers and prospects. Titled, Your Content Mission Strategy Statement, Pulizzi urged us to define a strategy that has nothing to do with what we sell. Instead, he advises us to focus on what our business stands for. He says a content mission strategy is "based on the informational needs of your customers and prospects, and also inherently drives your business". It got me thinking.

I knew almost immediately I had been operating a content mission strategy at Global Copywriting even though I hadn't considered it in these terms before. For the past few months, I've been talking a lot about Asset Based Marketing. My content mission strategy fully supports this category; ` Content should be an asset to your business, not an expense.'

It's worth thinking about. Most companies develop a vision statement and a mission statement for their business. They know where they want to go and how they expect to get there. It makes sense to define a content mission strategy, as well. Does the content you produce support the overall mission of your company? Is it going to assist you in carrying out your mission and realising your vision? If you haven't given it much consideration, now is the time to do it.

The Take-Away
If your company mission statement is the map to get to your destination, your content mission strategy is what you use to plot your route. Each company will have different requirements and will find benefit in different areas. Avoid "marketing autopilot". Consider each piece of content and every marketing activity as part of your strategy. In doing this, it will become obvious where your marketing investment produces the best assets.

What is your content mission strategy?

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*Image courtesy of jkleske, on Flickr