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The Importance of SEO in Asset Based Marketing

How do you feel about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)? Do you hate it? I have to confess to sharing the same opinion expressed by Jason Amunwa in his post at The Zest titled, Why I hate SEO but also respect it. If you're interested in Asset Based Marketing, it's a necessary evil.

Why SEO Matters
I've spoken a lot about the importance of design when it comes to your content. In the same way design enhances your content, SEO enhances your overall marketing strategy. If prospective customers cannot find you when they're looking for a vendor, the best content and most brilliant design languishes. Your landing page becomes a parking lot devoid of traffic. For as much as I'd rather not think about SEO, it's on my mind all the time.

Asset degradation
Have you ever had low-grade anxiety connected to what you're not getting done at work? My blog has been idle for the past week. I've got several topics for future posts so it's a matter of finding the time to develop the ideas more than anything. The anxiety stems from knowing a business asset is sitting idle or even degrading due to inactivity.

[/b]Pay attention to logistics[/b]
The search engines, especially Google, appreciate websites that are updated frequently. Two good ways to do this are with a blog and an RSS news feed. The logistics of both are important. I highly recommend you put a news feed on your homepage and keep it updated. Every time you add a news items, your home page is updated and Google takes note. I've written before about the importance of blog logistics. If you're blogging for business, your posts will be littered with keywords which will impress search engine algorithms. If it's anchored on your business website, you will benefit from an improvement in SEO rankings.

Why does SEO matter to Asset Based Marketing?
When your website is ranking well with the search engines, your content is going to reach more people. You can pay for an SEO service but that's a pure marketing expense. You can also influence your own SEO by making regular updates to your website through your blog and news items. While boosting your SEO, you'll also be:

  • Attracting new readers
  • Developing a reputation for expertise in your field
  • Conducting a lead nurturing campaign
  • Compiling a valuable asset

The Take-Away
Developing a marketing strategy without giving careful consideration to SEO is a mistake. Creating original content with a strong design element is a necessity to an asset based marketing program. Unless your content is easily found, it's still not an asset. Like it or not, SEO is the necessary evil to any content strategy. You'll know you're on the right track when you start to feel anxious about slipping your own publication schedule.

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